Friday, December 30, 2011

Breath for Less Lunacy!

Jonah had to go on breathing treatments in August of 2010.  His pediatrician was kind enough to offer us a "Breath for Less" Savings Program card, which I (arrogantly) thought we wouldn't need, given that I have such good insurance.  I lost track of the card, before I learned that even with insurance, Xopenex is exceptionally pricey medication.

After purchasing our first supply of nebulizer goods, I turned the house upside-down, looking for that dad-blasted discount card, which I knew I hadn't actually discarded altogether.  One day, I finally found the paper that it had been attached to, but the card itself never came up, despite multiple attempts to locate it.  I intended to ask his pediatrician for a new card during every visit, but repeatedly forgot....until a couple of weeks ago (a year-and-a-half LATER), when I was in with Lexi for an upper respiratory infection.  Of course, Dr. Capra was kind enough to give us another card, which I was determined to keep stashed safely in my purse until we need to refill the Xopenex.

So, last week, you can imagine my surprise when I pulled all of our Christmas goodies, organized and stored safely in newly arrived Amazon boxes in our office, out for wrapping, and I found my Xopenex card, no longer attached to the paper it had come on.  I felt a little perplexed, as I had felt absolutely certain I had made it a point to leave the card in my purse, and the kids aren't allowed in the office, especially during Christmas time.  Besides all that, I keep my purse out of reach of the kids, because....well, I'm not a dummy!  So, I didn't think little fingers could have been the culprits.  Nevertheless, I took the card, which appeared flawlessly brand new, back to its safe return in my purse, only to find this:

Lost Breath for Less card.  Found 16-months later intermingled with brand new Christmas goods/boxes

Seriously!  How ludicrous is THAT???

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