Sunday, January 1, 2012

Your LOVE never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me....

So, Santa brought Jonah and Lexi these nifty little "light up" wands for Christmas, and who KNEW how much fun they could be!  I mean, they are the essence of creative outlets for these sweet little offspring of mine!  Just today, for instance, Jonah decided his was a dog bone, and he wanted me to throw the wand (as it hit the ground it would light up in the array of colors), and he would fetch it on his hands and knees and return it to me, letting a little "ruff ruff" on occasion.

But, perhaps my hands-down FAVORITE use that Jonah has come up with for the wands is to turn them into drumsticks.  He flips his and Lexi's chairs over, converting the chair legs into an entire drum set, and hammers out his own special light-up "ROCK SHOWWWWWW!"  It's really amusing when he gets both "drumsticks" going at the same time.  Sometimes, he just spontaneously starts playing, or says, "I'm just gonna sing for awhile." But, usually, he asks us to turn out the lights, and introduces his intentions with the most enthusiastic exclamation, "Are you ready for a ROCK SHOWWWWWW?!?!"

Of course, I tried to capture it on video, and I got a decent version with just the one-handed mallet, since Lexi wanted the other one.  As I was trying to "manufacture" this video, it didn't turn out quite like I wanted, but you get the gist..... (keep reading, as I was able to capture another video, posted later in this blog).

Since a manufactured video isn't quite as awesome as catching the real deal, I caught a moment where Jonah was totally into his singing, so I started another video, without his knowledge that I was videoing, in order to give a more realistic view of his truly passionate expression in singing the chorus to a song he has heard only one time ever, while sitting with us in "big church" at the Christmas Eve service at Beltway Park over a week ago.

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