Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Yesterday, I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, when I heard Lexi let out an unusual cry.  I could tell it wasn't her typical "fuss," but that something wasn't right.  When I went into Jonah's room, I discovered that she had managed to wiggle her way between his toy storage chest and the wall, but she couldn't get out, due to the molding along the door frame.  The moment she set eyes on me, she began yelling, "I TUCK!!!  I TUCKKKKKKK!"  OH SO CUTE!!!  This girl knows SO MANY WORDS!  I didn't even know she knew what it means to be "TUCK!!" 

Of COURSE, I rescued her.....as soon as I gained my composure.  I would have taken a picture, but she may have been traumatized if I'd laughed AND just left her there to go get my camera!!

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