Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chico, Candy CANS, and Keckup

Elf on the Shelf:
Mommy: Jonah, this is your new elf! He's here to watch and go back to tell Santa whether you're naughty or nice. You get to pick his name. You can name him ANYTHING you want. What would you like to name him? Jingles? or Buddy? or maybe Sparkle?
Jonah: Uhmmmmm, Chee-Ko!
Mommy: What, honey?
Jonah: Chee-Ko!
Mommy: Chico?
Jonah: Chee-Ko!
Mommy: Okay!  Well.  Chico, it is!!
Daddy: Chico?  Did he say CHICO?  Are you sure he didn't say Cheetoh??

Candy Cannnns:
Jonah: I need a candy can.
Daddy: Candy CANE
Jonah: No, it's a candy CAN.  I need a candy CAN.
Daddy: Candy CAAAAANE, Jonah.  It's a candy CANE.
Jonah: No, Daddy!  I want a candy CAN!  It's called a CANDY CANNNNN!!!
(This is but a MERE sample of the types of routine arguments that occur between Jonah and his Daddy)

Lexi(with ANY meal whatsoever): I need KECKUPPPPPP!!!!!
Apparently, "keckup" goes with everything (including grapes, goldfish, and burritos!)

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