Friday, April 2, 2010

We've Created a Monster

2 seemingly innocuous "toys" that have quickly become MONSTERS:

#1 - the red wagon
We take him for a ride in the wagon on occasion, weather permitting. Well, Jonah has decided that the wagon is the be all end all of his existence, and will crawl into the wagon and lay on his tummy, bury his face and wail, "Wiiiide. Wiiiiiide," even if we just got BACK from a "wide" 10 minutes earlier. Yeah. The wagon went bye-bye for awhile. Out of sight, out of mind. That's my favorite toddler philosophy.

#2 - daddy's motorcycle
It's been a long while since we've sat him on the motorcycle, but a couple of weeks ago we put him on with Daddy, while the bike was running, and he got a little scared, to say the least. He wanted OFF! Well, NOT anymore. The motorcycle is parked out front, until our garage is finished (which, incidentally, may be NEVER, at the rate we're going). Jonah begs to sit on the bike with Daddy when we come home. But, when it's time to get off -- Katy bar the DOOR! The flood gates are open!!! "Wiiiiiiiide! Wiiiiiiiiiide!!!" Too bad the motorcycle won't fit in our closet with the wagon......

Poor Jonah learns the hard way on some days that throwing a tantrum doesn't get him very far in this cruel world of his. Lol.

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