Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Today was Jonah's first Easter Egg Hunt. Well, his first one with MAMA, anyway. He actually had one at daycare last week, and apparently he learned the ROPES really fast, because he TOTALLY knew what he was doing today! He would chase after the eggs, and shake each one vigorously. If he didn't like the sound (or lack of sound) of the egg, he'd throw it back down on the ground. If he liked the sound, then he'd put it in his basket. And, if he REALLLLY liked the sound, he would open the egg up and dig in right then and there. LOL! What a funny kid!! I love this boy!!!

By the way, we decided on moving him to a "Big Boy Bed." We found a little Captain's style bed on Craigslist for $75, and the guy offered to take $50, but when we got there, they didn't have change, so they sold it to us for $40. Sweet! Good deal. The Easter Bunny brought Jonah "Puhnbahhhh" bedding, so he'll be ecstatic when it's time to move into his new bed.

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