Friday, April 2, 2010

Decisions, Decisions....

I'm stressed. I'm trying not to get too high strung, but here's the bottom line:

#1 - The Garage
Lexi will be here in about 7 weeks (give or take). Her room is currently a "storage room" for all manner of stuff that will be stored in the garage when it's built. We had the slab poured, the garage was delivered, and all was well......until Jeremy tried to put up the frame to the garage, only to discover that they had sent us the WRONG plans for our slab, so the anchor bolts in the slab do not align with the frame of the garage. The solution: They have to send us a NEW garage, which may take a couple of weeks (hopefully not any longer). Then, the weather has to cooperate, and Jeremy has to find people to help put the garage up. Who knows how long that will take, since we've never done this before.

So, after the garage is built, we will need to clean out Lexi's room, paint, install new carpet and baby-fy the room. Did I mention we have about 7 weeks (give or take)?

#2 - The Bed Dilemma
We toyed with whether or not to move Jonah into a toddler bed awhile back, but the issue became insignificant because we were going to just borrow a crib from Nana, since she had a spare. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, she now has both of her grandbabies (praise God, by the way -- this is a good thing) for an undetermined length of time, both of whom are under the age of 18-months. Bottom line -- she'll probably need both cribs.

So, now we're back to square one with the decision -- do we move Jonah into a toddler bed? Do we buy Lexi a crib and keep Jonah in his crib until we're certain he's ready for a "big boy bed" and then convert his crib into a toddler bed? If we do THAT, then do we go ahead and splurge for a convertible crib for Lexi, too, or just save a little and get her a used crib? Or, do we hand down Jonah's crib to Lexi and put him in a race car bed or better yet a TWIN bed?? I'm leaning toward the twin bed because he's been having some sleep regressions lately, and we've actually put him in bed with us more and more frequently lately because he will NOT go back down in his own bed. If we got him a twin bed, that would allow us to lay in bed with HIM to help him fall back to sleep, rather than causing us to have to bring him to bed with us.

OHHHHH, DECISIONS DECISIONS! Doesn't everyone know I'm HORMONAL?!!? This may not be the best time for me to deal with these things. Oh, and by the way, did I mention we have about 7 weeks (give or take)???

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