Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Learning to say "No"

Contrary to the title of this post, I'm not talking about my baby this time. Isn't it funny that one of the first favorite words out of a child's mouth is "No!" and, yet, as an adult some of us have the hardest time saying "No."

I was recently invited to play fiddle for a play at the local community theatre, and I was so flattered, and it really sounds like fun......until I think about the practical aspect of it......the fact that I'm totally out-of-practice, and probably wouldn't be able to just pick up my instrument and doodle out a diddie like I used to.......the fact that I'd have to practice in the afternoons during the times when I'd rather be spending those few precious evening moments with Jonah.....the fact that I'd EVENTUALLY get a little stressed because my inner perfectionist would begin creeping out and telling me that I'm TERRIBLE and asking me why I ever thought I was good enough to commit to this in the first place......the fact that I'd probably eventually have a minor (or major) meltdown and take it out on Jeremy when I didn't feel he was sympathetic enough about my stress-level......the fact that our house is still a construction zone, and Jeremy needs my support at home so that he can find time to work on the house......the fact that I'd have to chuck my workouts for the next month, right after I've finally gotten into an excellent exercise routine.....and, perhaps worst of all, the fact that I'd have to leave Jonah with a baby sitter at night for 3 weekends in a row, immediately following my first-ever weekend of having to spend 4 days & 3 nights away from him altogether.....but, by gosh, it SOUNDS like it'd be FUN, other than all that. Hmmm. so, what part of it sounds fun, again??

Here I am, at 31 -- and I'm learning to say "no" again.

1 comment:

  1. I HATE turning down gigs, no matter how impractical. I'm always afraid they'll stop calling me. I completely understand.
