Friday, March 6, 2009

Jonah's almost 6 months old!!

Jonah will be 6-months-old on Monday, and that is SO hard to believe!! Our little angel bear had to go to the doctor today because he's been fighting a little cold. (No worries, he's fine). We got the stats today, though, and Jonah is a whopping 19 lbs 5 oz and 25.5 inches tall. That puts him in the 73rd percentile for weight and only the 10th percentile for height. ha! No wonder he has so many little fat rolls all over his body. He really IS our little Michelin Man!!

The past couple of months have been full of new and amazing "tricks" from our little man. He sits up independently now, and can roll over from his back to tummy and squirm around a bit. He still hasn't quite figured out how to get back from his tummy to his back, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Jonah eats cereal and baby food now. He is NOT a fan of green beans or bananas, but he chows DOWN on some sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots!! He's learning to make all sorts of fun little noises with his mouth, and he loves to jabber to anyone who'll listen!! It's awesome because you can tell he is REALLY TRYING to tell you SOMETHING. Sometimes when he gets mad, I'd swear he's babble-cussing (which makes it hard to take him seriously) :) He has such a contagious little belly-laugh, and now he'll just laugh spontaneously.....even if he's not being tickled or entertained. And, I believe my Jonah delivers the sweetest kissies I have ever known!!

Our bundle of joy has such a delightful demeanor! He is often described as a very "sweet" baby, and that's such an appropriate description. He's so very affectionate and lovey-dovey, and he's nearly always wearing a smile! I never knew I could have so much love in my heart for someone!! We are blessed, indeed.

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