Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wow am I behind, or WHAT?!?!

Well, I've officially been the world's worst about updating our blog! It's impossible to go back and make up for the lost time and moments. Suffice it to say, in a nutshell.....Jonah started walking on July 25, at 10-1/2 months old, and he is now 15 months old and into EVERYTHING! He's also talking up a STORM, and I will post another entry with some of his "words," which are forever entertaining us! The most recent conversation we had went something like this:
Mommy: Jonah, do you see our TREE??
Mommy: Is it pret-TY????
Jonah: TITTEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
We celebrated his 1st birthday in September, and had a big time at his party at Aunt Mary and Uncle Gary's house. He went as a skunk for Halloween and was STINKIN' ADORABLE!!!

We found out in September that we are expecting again in May, which completely caught us by surprise, but we are blessed and excited. I am now 15-weeks pregnant, and, honestly, a little nervous mainly about the possibility of gaining as much weight as I did last time!! With Jonah I gained over 50 lbs, and was able to shed about 70 lbs before we found out I was pregnant again. I just hate the thought of starting over at square one, but the blessing in the end will be well worth it. We haven't decided for certain, but are pretty sure that our family will be complete after one more child. A family of 4 seems just right to both of us.

People keep asking, "Are you hoping for a girl?" And, I know it's hard for people to believe me, but no, I'm not. I'm just hoping for a healthy baby. There was once a time in which I would have said, "Oh, I definitely want a little girl, even if we have to make 5 babies to get one," but after living with this little delightful Jonah-bug for the past 15 months, I'd be perfectly content to have 2 little boys. That's not to say there isn't still a little inkling of hope for a little girl, but I can honestly say I'll be overjoyed either way!! We go back to the doctor on Dec 30, and I'd imagine they'll set up an ultrasound to find out the baby's sex after that appointment.

I guess that about does it for now!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jonah's Big Weekend

We had a play date on Sunday. Gary & Mary asked me to watch their kids for about an hour, and in the meantime, I also needed to keep Amelia (since they were also babysitting Amelia). Claire and Amelia are a year old, and toddling everywhere. Jonah-bug was SO excited to see them toddle around, he would squeal like a girl, and hustle around the coffee table as fast as he could possibly cruise! Then, without stopping to think he would let go and try to walk, usually falling directly on his face. But, in the meantime, he did have two incidents where he was able to take one successful step before falling on step #2! I think we are well on our way to having an "official" toddler!!!

Jonah-bug also went for his first swim on the 4th of July! He LOVED it! It was no surprise, really, as he just has the BIGGEST time in his baths! And, he's fascinated by water, in general. Anytime I wash my hands, he wants to put his hands under the running water, too! We weren't able to watch fireworks, due to the weather, but it was already past his bedtime, so I'd imagine he wouldn't have been up for the big show, anyways.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jonah's 9-Months-Old, and on the GO!...and OTHER updates as well

I have officially been HORRIBLE about updating my blog. But, I think such is the life of a full-time working mother of a 9-month-old.

So much has happened in the past two months. Just as I predicted, Jonah began crawling AND pulling-up at almost the exact same time -- about a month ago! He is officially on the go. In fact, he recently got his first black eye at daycare, when he crawled over a little padded corral-thingy and landed smack on top of a toy shovel. OUCH!! He's a brave little soul, and he already tries to stand independently. Usually, he balances for about a half a second before toppling over. Our house has become a padded playground.

Life is very routine for us. Jonah is a super star at putting himself to bed, and I'm cracking up to find that he's suddenly taken an interest in a pacifier. Jeremy says he sometimes doesn't even know when Jonah wakes up in the morning because Jonah will just stuff a paci in his mouth in the morning and start entertaining himself in his crib. I still put him to bed withOUT the paci on occasion, just to be sure that he's not dependent on the thing.

He seems to take after his narcoleptic mama in the sleeping arena, as he has been sleeping 13-14 hours per night, recently!! Unbelievable!! But, I'm NOT complaining.

We've also made the difficult decision to go ahead and wean to formula. I really wanted to nurse until Jonah was a year old, but he's just not interested, unless he's dead-tired......which is only 1st thing in the morning usually. So, while we're still holding on to that first nursing of the morning, we've gone to formula or mixtures of formula and breastmilk that I have stock-piled in the freezer. At the rate we're going, I should have enough stored to continue to give him at least a few ounces of breastmilk per day until he's about 10-months old.

In OTHER news, the past month has brought a lot of crazy happenings in the Holmes' Sweet Home. A few weeks ago, on a Friday night, I was feeding J-Bug his dinner, and he decided to choke on his baby food. I mean -- like -- the REAL breathing.....the scary thing where I had to dig into the recesses of my brain and pull out the "baby Heimlich" tool from my Mommy Mental Toolkit. You know, I have to admit, when I did that whole "turn the baby over and beat on his back" thing in CPR class, I always wondered, "Will this REALLY work?" Well, folks, I'm here to tell ya, it DOES work! After a few seconds of pounding, J-Man choked it right up and proceeded to projectile vomit all over himself, me, our brand new leather recliners (that's right...plural....somehow he hit BOTH recliners, which are positioned a few feet away from each other!), and our living room carpet. I never thought I would be so happy to see my little man vomit all over me.

As if THAT wasn't enough drama for one night, I received a phone call from Jeremy at about 11pm the same night......while Jonah simultaneously awoke from his slumber and was crying in the other room. I couldn't decide whether to tend to Jonah or answer the phone. My sister-in-law was over at the house, so she went to check on Jonah while I got the phone (this seemingly useless detail will come up again momentarily....). Well, I was glad I answered the phone because Jeremy was calling to let me know he had been rear-ended by a intoxicated, inTEXTicated driver. That's right. A driver who was not only under the influence of alcohol, but who was ALSO texting while driving, plowed into the back of Jeremy's patrol car at about 45 mph, while Jeremy was stopped at a red light. I was just thankful that Jeremy was the one who called me -- because that meant he was okay. I have to admit, as a police officer's wife, my biggest fear is to have a couple of Jeremy's closest police friends show up on my doorstep in the middle of the night. Two years ago, one of Jeremy's colleagues was struck by a drunk driver and killed while on duty. This incident certainly brought back a flood of emotions. But, I'm happy to report that Jeremy has been blessed in the sense that he has sustained no injuries that we can see so far. His back does fatigue a little more quickly than it used to, and he's keeping his eye on that, but in general, he was very blessed. God was looking after Jonah AND Jeremy that night.

A couple of nights after the accident, I had a dream (or nightmare) that Jeremy was home, off duty, and a couple of guys were trying to break into one of our next door neighbor's cars. Well, Jonah was in the floor playing in the living room, and when Jeremy stepped outside to confront the "bad guys," one of the guys shot Jeremy. I knew he was hurt, but suddenly, I couldn't find Jonah. I was so torn between the decision of whether I should find Jonah and go hide, or whether I should go help Jeremy. It was HORRIBLE!!! Obviously, the dream was reflective of the feelings I had when I had received Jeremy's phone call that Friday night, and I was torn between whether to answer his call or go tend to Jonah. Our brains play the CRAZIEST tricks on us!!!!

I just feel so blessed that our sweet family is intact. Jeremy and I celebrated 2 years of marriage on May 26, our major remodeling project is essentially finished, and I have been focusing on getting back into good physical shape (for more details on that, see my other blog: ). Overall, life is good. Marriage is great. Family is amazing. We are blessed, indeed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jonah's 7-months old

I've been terrible about updating lately. I guess no news is good news, though, right?

Jonah is 7-months old, and we seem to be in a "holding pattern" with the developmental milestones. The major change lately can be summed up in one word - MOBILITY!! Jonah's now able to roll both directions. And, he can move all around on his tummy. If I leave him on the floor and walk out of the room, he'll most certainly be in a different spot when I return to the room. He's still creeping backwards, although he is SO CLOSE to crawling, we expect it any day now. Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised if he started pulling up pretty soon, too. He loves to stand up.....just doesn't know how to GET to the standing position very gracefully yet.

We started daycare last week, and it was an interesting week. Mama is definitely having to learn to let go of some of the "Mama control issues." He's doing well and adjusting to the new routine. I have to say, I APPRECIATE the daycare routine because prior to last week, Jonah was a half-hour napper, like clockwork. But, this past weekend, I lay him down at 11:00 (daycare nap-time), and he put himself to sleep and slept for a solid hour-and-a-half or more! Woohoooo!

He has a double ear infection, now, so the daycare illnesses have started full-force. We went to the dr. on Saturday morning, and he has gained LESS than a POUND in the past month! Hallelujah, the weight gain has FINALLY slowed down a bit :) Up until he was 6-months old, he'd gained an average of 2-1/2 lbs per month, so I was relieved to see that he's ONLY 20 lbs and 3 oz at his 7-month appointment.

Easter pics coming soon :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Daycare Dilemma

Yay! We finally got the call that a slot has come open for Jonah at a local daycare. We've been on 3 waiting lists since the time he was born. Initially, we thought we'd rather wait to put him in daycare until his first birthday. We've had an ideal situation, with Jeremy's mother - aka Nana -- keeping Jonah 3 days/week while I work. Jeremy keeps Jonah on his days off.

Lately, however, we've been thinking it would be best for him to go ahead and get enrolled in daycare -- for several reasons.

1) Jeremy REALLY needs some time at home to work on our construction project. We're nearly finished, and with Jonah at the house on Jeremy's days off, it's been difficult to finish the final touches on the house.

2) Jonah needs to be socializing with other babies. Right now, he shows virtually zero interest in other babies (although that's gotten a LITTLE better lately). Also, he's rapidly approaching the 9-month mark, when stranger anxiety kicks in, and we'd rather he settle into the daycare routine BEFORE that developmental stage sets in.

3) Nana needs the opportunity to just be "Nana." She's been really super about keeping him, but she can probably benefit from some "her"-time. She's been quite consumed with caring for both Jonah and my nephew Jaiden (who is 3 months younger than Jonah), although she never complains about it!! Also, when Nana has a schedule conflict that interferes with keeping Jonah, it's quite a challenge for us to find someone to commit to keeping our little man several days of the week. Though it is a rarity for her to be unavailable, and she gives me plenty of advanced notice, it has, nonetheless, caused me quite a bit of stress in trying to find someone to keep him on the days when she can't. So, it will just be best for Jonah to be in a consistent childcare situation......and Nana will have the opportunity to pick him up on days that she just needs a little "Jonah" time :)

So, all that being said, we're thrilled to be putting him in daycare on April 6. I do feel a little sadness in my heart, though, and I can't explain why. I mean, I just got a little lump in my throat when I told the daycare, "Yes, please put us down for the opening."

I'm also a little conflicted about deciding WHICH daycare we want to use. We're supposed to hear back from Daycare 2 this afternoon about whether or not they have an opening. Both Daycare's are actually Child Development Centers. Daycare 1 (the one with the opening) is literally 1/2 a mile from our house -- just right around the corner. But, daycare 2 REALLY impressed me when I visited, with staff longevity and a strong curriculum to prepare little man for kindergarten, as he grows there. Also, my niece goes to Daycare 2, and I've heard wonderful things about it from lots of different people. While I was very comfortable at Daycare 1, I don't know anyone who goes there, and I haven't heard a lot about them. So, I feel like I'm in a Daycare Dilemma. Of course, it won't be much of a dilemma at all, if Daycare 2 doesn't have an opening. But, if they DO, then I will have a big decision on my hands.

Okay, that's all.....just needed to vent my concerns. Any advice or guidance is welcome and appreciated :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sleepytime Sans Boobie

In gearing up for my trip next week, I've been so nervous about leaving Jonah for 4 days and 3 nights. It's not that I worry about the quality of care he'll get. He's staying with his Nana, who takes exceptional care, and they've got a strong bond, since she keeps him during the week. But, Jonah's still nursing, and at night, in particular, he really prefers to nurse right before going to bed. We have been blessed in the fact that Jonah takes a bottle very well, but the other night Jeremy tried to give him a bottle at bedtime, and he freaked OUT! He was soooo mad!! So, I went in and nursed him. We are also blessed in the fact that Jonah is able to put himself to sleep (with the aid of a bedside sound/light soother) if he's still awake after his last feeding of the night. However, he really prefers that last feeding -- not for nourishment sake, but just for the sake of comfort, I think, which is why he actually rejects the bottle at that time -- he isn't really hungry.

All that being said, I've been worried about how he's going to do without Mommy at bedtime while I'm gone. So, I decided I'm going to have to show some tough love and start putting him down for bed at night without the boob. Last night was the first attempt, and was I ever SURPRISED! I fed Jonah his cereal, and he played in my lap for a minute, and then I took him to his room, turned on his sound/light soother, and lay him in bed -- wide awake. Much to my astonishment, Jonah did not make one peep or fuss! He watched his bedside soother and went to sleep after only 2 cylces of the music!! What a BLESSING! Of course, then he DID wake up in the middle of the night for the first time in weeks, and needed to be nursed to go back to sleep. But, that's a rarity, so I'm not terribly concerned about it. I'm praying this trend sticks around, at least until I get back from Lubbock. And, I'm praying that I have the tough love wherewithal on the nights that it's NOT as easy over the next week. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to tackle this new task that I like to call "sleepytime sans boobie."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Doodlebug Milestone

Did you ever play with doodlebugs when you were a kid? At least, I THINK that's what they were called -- those little bugs that crawled backwards and burrowed into the dirt, making tiny little pits in the ground? Doodlebugs. I have my own little doodlebug now! Jonah is mastering the art of deliberately moving from a sitting position onto his tummy, and then creeping backwards......stopping occasionally for a quick "swim" on the carpet. Surely he'll start moving in the right direction soon......probably about the time that he finally learns to flip from his front to his back -- we're still waiting on that one :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Learning to say "No"

Contrary to the title of this post, I'm not talking about my baby this time. Isn't it funny that one of the first favorite words out of a child's mouth is "No!" and, yet, as an adult some of us have the hardest time saying "No."

I was recently invited to play fiddle for a play at the local community theatre, and I was so flattered, and it really sounds like fun......until I think about the practical aspect of it......the fact that I'm totally out-of-practice, and probably wouldn't be able to just pick up my instrument and doodle out a diddie like I used to.......the fact that I'd have to practice in the afternoons during the times when I'd rather be spending those few precious evening moments with Jonah.....the fact that I'd EVENTUALLY get a little stressed because my inner perfectionist would begin creeping out and telling me that I'm TERRIBLE and asking me why I ever thought I was good enough to commit to this in the first place......the fact that I'd probably eventually have a minor (or major) meltdown and take it out on Jeremy when I didn't feel he was sympathetic enough about my stress-level......the fact that our house is still a construction zone, and Jeremy needs my support at home so that he can find time to work on the house......the fact that I'd have to chuck my workouts for the next month, right after I've finally gotten into an excellent exercise routine.....and, perhaps worst of all, the fact that I'd have to leave Jonah with a baby sitter at night for 3 weekends in a row, immediately following my first-ever weekend of having to spend 4 days & 3 nights away from him altogether.....but, by gosh, it SOUNDS like it'd be FUN, other than all that. Hmmm. so, what part of it sounds fun, again??

Here I am, at 31 -- and I'm learning to say "no" again.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Jonah Then & Now

THEN: 6 lbs 15 oz, 19 inches NOW: 19 lbs 5 oz, 25.5 inches





Jonah & Eyore

My parents gave Jonah a stuffed Eyore for Christmas. It's the type of toy I can envision him dragging around by the neck when he's 4-years-old. He loves his Eyore. So, the other day, he was playing in the floor, and I noticed he was intently tugging on Eyore's head and ears....he seemed very calculated in his attempts to get Eyore's head in just the perfect position. It didn't take me long to realize, he was fluffing himself a pillow, because once he got his favorite pal in the perfect place, he lay his head down and crashed out, right there in the middle of the floor.

Jonah's almost 6 months old!!

Jonah will be 6-months-old on Monday, and that is SO hard to believe!! Our little angel bear had to go to the doctor today because he's been fighting a little cold. (No worries, he's fine). We got the stats today, though, and Jonah is a whopping 19 lbs 5 oz and 25.5 inches tall. That puts him in the 73rd percentile for weight and only the 10th percentile for height. ha! No wonder he has so many little fat rolls all over his body. He really IS our little Michelin Man!!

The past couple of months have been full of new and amazing "tricks" from our little man. He sits up independently now, and can roll over from his back to tummy and squirm around a bit. He still hasn't quite figured out how to get back from his tummy to his back, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Jonah eats cereal and baby food now. He is NOT a fan of green beans or bananas, but he chows DOWN on some sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots!! He's learning to make all sorts of fun little noises with his mouth, and he loves to jabber to anyone who'll listen!! It's awesome because you can tell he is REALLY TRYING to tell you SOMETHING. Sometimes when he gets mad, I'd swear he's babble-cussing (which makes it hard to take him seriously) :) He has such a contagious little belly-laugh, and now he'll just laugh spontaneously.....even if he's not being tickled or entertained. And, I believe my Jonah delivers the sweetest kissies I have ever known!!

Our bundle of joy has such a delightful demeanor! He is often described as a very "sweet" baby, and that's such an appropriate description. He's so very affectionate and lovey-dovey, and he's nearly always wearing a smile! I never knew I could have so much love in my heart for someone!! We are blessed, indeed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Holmes Sweet Home

Wow! I'm finally catching up with the times by setting up a blog site for my family! Looking forward to posting updates and fun stories about the Holmes' sweet home, which became even sweeter with the arrival of baby Jonah last fall!! Tune in to read more about all that's going on with us, and especially with our bundle of joy.