Monday, March 19, 2012

Milestones Galore

Lexi has started spontaneously initiating conversations now.  It is awesome.  Here's the conversation we had last week:

Lexi:   I tacky nap today.
Me:    You did?  You took a nap today?
Lexi:  Ya, I duuuue!  I tacky nap.  On my nap mat.
Me:    You took a nap on your nap mat?
Lexi:  Ya, I duuue!  Becca pat me. [demonstrates by attempting to pat her own back]
Me:    Becca patted you?
Lexi:  Ya, Becca pat me.  Like this.  I tacky nap.

It's hard to believe she's not yet 2, with the level of her communication.  She seems to understand grammatical phrasings beyond her years, such as sentences like these:

I go back outside, ok?
I don't need a cup of wawer.  You put juice in dare, ok?
Oh, that ball is heaby, Mommy!
What you doing, Mommy?

And, then there's her favorite.  Every single time I go to take a shower, she ceases whatever FUN activity she may be doing, and confidently declares,

"You go take a showa, right now?  I go witchu, Mommy!  Ya, I go witchu!"

Of course, speaking of showers, I suppose I'm going to have to start locking Jonah out of the bathroom during my showers.  This morning, as he was getting ready to leave for school, he walked in on me, as I was stepping out of the shower.  I thought nothing of it, and asked, "Did you come to give Mommy a kiss so you can go bye-bye with Daddy?"

Holy MOLY!  Who KNEW!  He was completely disturbed at my ... um ... condition and proclaimed, "No, I'm not going to kiss you!  You're not wearing any clothes!  You need to get dressed, Mommy!!"  And, off he went.

End of story.

Or not.

About 20 minutes later, his Daddy called me (having no knowledge of our previous "shower" encounter) to "let me know" that as he dropped Jonah off at school, he reassured him that "Mommy will be here later to pick you up."  Much to Jeremy's surprise and ... ahem ... embarrassment (I'm sure), Jonah loudly inquired, in a rather disturbed, and ever-so-slightly frightened tone, "Is Mommy going to be NAKIE when she picks us up, today??"


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