Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oh my GOSH! Wook at ALL deze TOYS!!!

What an AWESOME Christmas!  This was Jonah's first year to REALLY get into it, so it was truly so much fun!  "Santa" found my old hobby horse from when I was a kid, and refurbished it by ripping out the old rotted yarn mane and tail and replacing it a couple of days before Christmas.  It truly warmed my heart to do this for Jonah!  (Before and After pictures to come soon!).  Jeremy left the Christmas tree lights on in the living room Christmas Eve night, so Jonah came into our room, as always, Christmas morning, then he "followed the lights" into the living room.  Soon, he ran back into our room, "There's a horsie IN THERE!  Daddy, Mama, there's a HORSIE in there!  I'm wanna WIDE that horsie!!!"  Then, while opening all of his Christmas presents, he soon proclaimed, "Oh my GOSH!!!  Wook at ALLLL deze TOYS!  Oh my GOSH!!!!"  I was pleased that the day after Christmas, I finally was able to get Jonah to tell me WHO brought him that horsie.  [RAISES EYEBROWS]: "Santa Cwaus bring me dat horsie!!!"

Lexi's first Christmas was packed with MILESTONES galore!  On December 24, at 7-mos-old (+ 2 days), she finally learned to sit herself up from a crawling position!  We had to lower her mattres because she has also been trying desperately to pull-up.  On Sunday night (Dec 26), I took Jonah to the potty, and soon I heard Lexi whining her way all the way down the hall to see us....stopping periodically to beat on the floor to warn us she's coming!!  LOL!  Too cute!  Then, that night, she actually pulled-up, unassisted, on Jonah's Little People Farm.  (I just had to hold the farm still so it wouldn't tip over).  She is WELL on her way to being Miss Mobility!!!

What a BIG weekend for my two little angels!!  A Merry Christmas INDEED!!!

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