Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wow am I behind, or WHAT?!?!

Well, I've officially been the world's worst about updating our blog! It's impossible to go back and make up for the lost time and moments. Suffice it to say, in a nutshell.....Jonah started walking on July 25, at 10-1/2 months old, and he is now 15 months old and into EVERYTHING! He's also talking up a STORM, and I will post another entry with some of his "words," which are forever entertaining us! The most recent conversation we had went something like this:
Mommy: Jonah, do you see our TREE??
Mommy: Is it pret-TY????
Jonah: TITTEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
We celebrated his 1st birthday in September, and had a big time at his party at Aunt Mary and Uncle Gary's house. He went as a skunk for Halloween and was STINKIN' ADORABLE!!!

We found out in September that we are expecting again in May, which completely caught us by surprise, but we are blessed and excited. I am now 15-weeks pregnant, and, honestly, a little nervous mainly about the possibility of gaining as much weight as I did last time!! With Jonah I gained over 50 lbs, and was able to shed about 70 lbs before we found out I was pregnant again. I just hate the thought of starting over at square one, but the blessing in the end will be well worth it. We haven't decided for certain, but are pretty sure that our family will be complete after one more child. A family of 4 seems just right to both of us.

People keep asking, "Are you hoping for a girl?" And, I know it's hard for people to believe me, but no, I'm not. I'm just hoping for a healthy baby. There was once a time in which I would have said, "Oh, I definitely want a little girl, even if we have to make 5 babies to get one," but after living with this little delightful Jonah-bug for the past 15 months, I'd be perfectly content to have 2 little boys. That's not to say there isn't still a little inkling of hope for a little girl, but I can honestly say I'll be overjoyed either way!! We go back to the doctor on Dec 30, and I'd imagine they'll set up an ultrasound to find out the baby's sex after that appointment.

I guess that about does it for now!!

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