Monday, March 23, 2009

Daycare Dilemma

Yay! We finally got the call that a slot has come open for Jonah at a local daycare. We've been on 3 waiting lists since the time he was born. Initially, we thought we'd rather wait to put him in daycare until his first birthday. We've had an ideal situation, with Jeremy's mother - aka Nana -- keeping Jonah 3 days/week while I work. Jeremy keeps Jonah on his days off.

Lately, however, we've been thinking it would be best for him to go ahead and get enrolled in daycare -- for several reasons.

1) Jeremy REALLY needs some time at home to work on our construction project. We're nearly finished, and with Jonah at the house on Jeremy's days off, it's been difficult to finish the final touches on the house.

2) Jonah needs to be socializing with other babies. Right now, he shows virtually zero interest in other babies (although that's gotten a LITTLE better lately). Also, he's rapidly approaching the 9-month mark, when stranger anxiety kicks in, and we'd rather he settle into the daycare routine BEFORE that developmental stage sets in.

3) Nana needs the opportunity to just be "Nana." She's been really super about keeping him, but she can probably benefit from some "her"-time. She's been quite consumed with caring for both Jonah and my nephew Jaiden (who is 3 months younger than Jonah), although she never complains about it!! Also, when Nana has a schedule conflict that interferes with keeping Jonah, it's quite a challenge for us to find someone to commit to keeping our little man several days of the week. Though it is a rarity for her to be unavailable, and she gives me plenty of advanced notice, it has, nonetheless, caused me quite a bit of stress in trying to find someone to keep him on the days when she can't. So, it will just be best for Jonah to be in a consistent childcare situation......and Nana will have the opportunity to pick him up on days that she just needs a little "Jonah" time :)

So, all that being said, we're thrilled to be putting him in daycare on April 6. I do feel a little sadness in my heart, though, and I can't explain why. I mean, I just got a little lump in my throat when I told the daycare, "Yes, please put us down for the opening."

I'm also a little conflicted about deciding WHICH daycare we want to use. We're supposed to hear back from Daycare 2 this afternoon about whether or not they have an opening. Both Daycare's are actually Child Development Centers. Daycare 1 (the one with the opening) is literally 1/2 a mile from our house -- just right around the corner. But, daycare 2 REALLY impressed me when I visited, with staff longevity and a strong curriculum to prepare little man for kindergarten, as he grows there. Also, my niece goes to Daycare 2, and I've heard wonderful things about it from lots of different people. While I was very comfortable at Daycare 1, I don't know anyone who goes there, and I haven't heard a lot about them. So, I feel like I'm in a Daycare Dilemma. Of course, it won't be much of a dilemma at all, if Daycare 2 doesn't have an opening. But, if they DO, then I will have a big decision on my hands.

Okay, that's all.....just needed to vent my concerns. Any advice or guidance is welcome and appreciated :)

1 comment:

  1. Daycare! How fun! Ava started daycare at 9 months as well and we felt that was perfect for her in her mental and physical stimulation needs. Keep in mind that daycare is not like mom, dad, or nana keeping him and there will be hurdles that you have to overcome. I promise that the older they get, the better you feel about the whole situation. Not to mention when you see other children that have no social skills, it makes you feel good about the placement of your child! You can do this! You all will survive!!!! Good luck!
