Monday, March 23, 2009

Daycare Dilemma

Yay! We finally got the call that a slot has come open for Jonah at a local daycare. We've been on 3 waiting lists since the time he was born. Initially, we thought we'd rather wait to put him in daycare until his first birthday. We've had an ideal situation, with Jeremy's mother - aka Nana -- keeping Jonah 3 days/week while I work. Jeremy keeps Jonah on his days off.

Lately, however, we've been thinking it would be best for him to go ahead and get enrolled in daycare -- for several reasons.

1) Jeremy REALLY needs some time at home to work on our construction project. We're nearly finished, and with Jonah at the house on Jeremy's days off, it's been difficult to finish the final touches on the house.

2) Jonah needs to be socializing with other babies. Right now, he shows virtually zero interest in other babies (although that's gotten a LITTLE better lately). Also, he's rapidly approaching the 9-month mark, when stranger anxiety kicks in, and we'd rather he settle into the daycare routine BEFORE that developmental stage sets in.

3) Nana needs the opportunity to just be "Nana." She's been really super about keeping him, but she can probably benefit from some "her"-time. She's been quite consumed with caring for both Jonah and my nephew Jaiden (who is 3 months younger than Jonah), although she never complains about it!! Also, when Nana has a schedule conflict that interferes with keeping Jonah, it's quite a challenge for us to find someone to commit to keeping our little man several days of the week. Though it is a rarity for her to be unavailable, and she gives me plenty of advanced notice, it has, nonetheless, caused me quite a bit of stress in trying to find someone to keep him on the days when she can't. So, it will just be best for Jonah to be in a consistent childcare situation......and Nana will have the opportunity to pick him up on days that she just needs a little "Jonah" time :)

So, all that being said, we're thrilled to be putting him in daycare on April 6. I do feel a little sadness in my heart, though, and I can't explain why. I mean, I just got a little lump in my throat when I told the daycare, "Yes, please put us down for the opening."

I'm also a little conflicted about deciding WHICH daycare we want to use. We're supposed to hear back from Daycare 2 this afternoon about whether or not they have an opening. Both Daycare's are actually Child Development Centers. Daycare 1 (the one with the opening) is literally 1/2 a mile from our house -- just right around the corner. But, daycare 2 REALLY impressed me when I visited, with staff longevity and a strong curriculum to prepare little man for kindergarten, as he grows there. Also, my niece goes to Daycare 2, and I've heard wonderful things about it from lots of different people. While I was very comfortable at Daycare 1, I don't know anyone who goes there, and I haven't heard a lot about them. So, I feel like I'm in a Daycare Dilemma. Of course, it won't be much of a dilemma at all, if Daycare 2 doesn't have an opening. But, if they DO, then I will have a big decision on my hands.

Okay, that's all.....just needed to vent my concerns. Any advice or guidance is welcome and appreciated :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sleepytime Sans Boobie

In gearing up for my trip next week, I've been so nervous about leaving Jonah for 4 days and 3 nights. It's not that I worry about the quality of care he'll get. He's staying with his Nana, who takes exceptional care, and they've got a strong bond, since she keeps him during the week. But, Jonah's still nursing, and at night, in particular, he really prefers to nurse right before going to bed. We have been blessed in the fact that Jonah takes a bottle very well, but the other night Jeremy tried to give him a bottle at bedtime, and he freaked OUT! He was soooo mad!! So, I went in and nursed him. We are also blessed in the fact that Jonah is able to put himself to sleep (with the aid of a bedside sound/light soother) if he's still awake after his last feeding of the night. However, he really prefers that last feeding -- not for nourishment sake, but just for the sake of comfort, I think, which is why he actually rejects the bottle at that time -- he isn't really hungry.

All that being said, I've been worried about how he's going to do without Mommy at bedtime while I'm gone. So, I decided I'm going to have to show some tough love and start putting him down for bed at night without the boob. Last night was the first attempt, and was I ever SURPRISED! I fed Jonah his cereal, and he played in my lap for a minute, and then I took him to his room, turned on his sound/light soother, and lay him in bed -- wide awake. Much to my astonishment, Jonah did not make one peep or fuss! He watched his bedside soother and went to sleep after only 2 cylces of the music!! What a BLESSING! Of course, then he DID wake up in the middle of the night for the first time in weeks, and needed to be nursed to go back to sleep. But, that's a rarity, so I'm not terribly concerned about it. I'm praying this trend sticks around, at least until I get back from Lubbock. And, I'm praying that I have the tough love wherewithal on the nights that it's NOT as easy over the next week. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to tackle this new task that I like to call "sleepytime sans boobie."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Doodlebug Milestone

Did you ever play with doodlebugs when you were a kid? At least, I THINK that's what they were called -- those little bugs that crawled backwards and burrowed into the dirt, making tiny little pits in the ground? Doodlebugs. I have my own little doodlebug now! Jonah is mastering the art of deliberately moving from a sitting position onto his tummy, and then creeping backwards......stopping occasionally for a quick "swim" on the carpet. Surely he'll start moving in the right direction soon......probably about the time that he finally learns to flip from his front to his back -- we're still waiting on that one :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Learning to say "No"

Contrary to the title of this post, I'm not talking about my baby this time. Isn't it funny that one of the first favorite words out of a child's mouth is "No!" and, yet, as an adult some of us have the hardest time saying "No."

I was recently invited to play fiddle for a play at the local community theatre, and I was so flattered, and it really sounds like fun......until I think about the practical aspect of it......the fact that I'm totally out-of-practice, and probably wouldn't be able to just pick up my instrument and doodle out a diddie like I used to.......the fact that I'd have to practice in the afternoons during the times when I'd rather be spending those few precious evening moments with Jonah.....the fact that I'd EVENTUALLY get a little stressed because my inner perfectionist would begin creeping out and telling me that I'm TERRIBLE and asking me why I ever thought I was good enough to commit to this in the first place......the fact that I'd probably eventually have a minor (or major) meltdown and take it out on Jeremy when I didn't feel he was sympathetic enough about my stress-level......the fact that our house is still a construction zone, and Jeremy needs my support at home so that he can find time to work on the house......the fact that I'd have to chuck my workouts for the next month, right after I've finally gotten into an excellent exercise routine.....and, perhaps worst of all, the fact that I'd have to leave Jonah with a baby sitter at night for 3 weekends in a row, immediately following my first-ever weekend of having to spend 4 days & 3 nights away from him altogether.....but, by gosh, it SOUNDS like it'd be FUN, other than all that. Hmmm. so, what part of it sounds fun, again??

Here I am, at 31 -- and I'm learning to say "no" again.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Jonah Then & Now

THEN: 6 lbs 15 oz, 19 inches NOW: 19 lbs 5 oz, 25.5 inches





Jonah & Eyore

My parents gave Jonah a stuffed Eyore for Christmas. It's the type of toy I can envision him dragging around by the neck when he's 4-years-old. He loves his Eyore. So, the other day, he was playing in the floor, and I noticed he was intently tugging on Eyore's head and ears....he seemed very calculated in his attempts to get Eyore's head in just the perfect position. It didn't take me long to realize, he was fluffing himself a pillow, because once he got his favorite pal in the perfect place, he lay his head down and crashed out, right there in the middle of the floor.

Jonah's almost 6 months old!!

Jonah will be 6-months-old on Monday, and that is SO hard to believe!! Our little angel bear had to go to the doctor today because he's been fighting a little cold. (No worries, he's fine). We got the stats today, though, and Jonah is a whopping 19 lbs 5 oz and 25.5 inches tall. That puts him in the 73rd percentile for weight and only the 10th percentile for height. ha! No wonder he has so many little fat rolls all over his body. He really IS our little Michelin Man!!

The past couple of months have been full of new and amazing "tricks" from our little man. He sits up independently now, and can roll over from his back to tummy and squirm around a bit. He still hasn't quite figured out how to get back from his tummy to his back, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Jonah eats cereal and baby food now. He is NOT a fan of green beans or bananas, but he chows DOWN on some sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots!! He's learning to make all sorts of fun little noises with his mouth, and he loves to jabber to anyone who'll listen!! It's awesome because you can tell he is REALLY TRYING to tell you SOMETHING. Sometimes when he gets mad, I'd swear he's babble-cussing (which makes it hard to take him seriously) :) He has such a contagious little belly-laugh, and now he'll just laugh spontaneously.....even if he's not being tickled or entertained. And, I believe my Jonah delivers the sweetest kissies I have ever known!!

Our bundle of joy has such a delightful demeanor! He is often described as a very "sweet" baby, and that's such an appropriate description. He's so very affectionate and lovey-dovey, and he's nearly always wearing a smile! I never knew I could have so much love in my heart for someone!! We are blessed, indeed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Holmes Sweet Home

Wow! I'm finally catching up with the times by setting up a blog site for my family! Looking forward to posting updates and fun stories about the Holmes' sweet home, which became even sweeter with the arrival of baby Jonah last fall!! Tune in to read more about all that's going on with us, and especially with our bundle of joy.