Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nigh-Nigh? Beh???

We bought Jonah his "big boy bed" last weekend, but we had to wait a few days to let him sleep in it, as we needed to "child-proof" it with a safety rail. So, the poor little guy had to play on the bed and BEG to sleep in it a couple of nights and BEG to stay home and play on the bed rather than going to daycare yesterday.

But, last night was the BIG night!

I put the protective rail together (incorrectly, apparently, but more of that in a minute) and fashioned it to the side of the bed. I put Jonah in bed at 8:30, and left the room, listening to his usual pre-slumber jabber/singing. But, he never tried to get out of bed! At 9pm I went in to check on him, and found him sacked OUT with his pillow on his face. It's hard to capture it in this picture, but when I walked in the room, it was AT FIRST, hard to find him in the dark, as he was camouflaged with the bed, but when I DID finally see him, I laughed out loud, as the pillow was positioned in such a way that he looked like he had a giant "Puhnbahhhh" head.

He did SOOOOO good, though. He slept all the way through the night, with the exception of an incident at about 11pm where he managed to slip between the side rail (which was, as I mentioned, incorrectly assembled) and plop to the floor. Of course, being the protective Mama, I (after giggling for a second) offered to put him back in his crib, but he would have NOTHING to do with that idea. So, I put him back in bed, and lay with him for a minute (wanting to stay all night to protect him from another "incident"), and then reinforced the "safety features" on the bed a little.

This morning, after a long night of sleep, he came into our bedroom, dragging Eyore and Elmo and grinning from ear to ear. "Eyore? Elmo?? Nigh-Nigh? Beh??" [Jonahese for "Night night? Bed?"] Then, he just spontaneously gave my LEG the BIGGEST HUG if to say, "Thanks for letting me sleep in my big boy bed MAMA!!"

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