Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jonah's Big Weekend

We had a play date on Sunday. Gary & Mary asked me to watch their kids for about an hour, and in the meantime, I also needed to keep Amelia (since they were also babysitting Amelia). Claire and Amelia are a year old, and toddling everywhere. Jonah-bug was SO excited to see them toddle around, he would squeal like a girl, and hustle around the coffee table as fast as he could possibly cruise! Then, without stopping to think he would let go and try to walk, usually falling directly on his face. But, in the meantime, he did have two incidents where he was able to take one successful step before falling on step #2! I think we are well on our way to having an "official" toddler!!!

Jonah-bug also went for his first swim on the 4th of July! He LOVED it! It was no surprise, really, as he just has the BIGGEST time in his baths! And, he's fascinated by water, in general. Anytime I wash my hands, he wants to put his hands under the running water, too! We weren't able to watch fireworks, due to the weather, but it was already past his bedtime, so I'd imagine he wouldn't have been up for the big show, anyways.