Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jonah's 7-months old

I've been terrible about updating lately. I guess no news is good news, though, right?

Jonah is 7-months old, and we seem to be in a "holding pattern" with the developmental milestones. The major change lately can be summed up in one word - MOBILITY!! Jonah's now able to roll both directions. And, he can move all around on his tummy. If I leave him on the floor and walk out of the room, he'll most certainly be in a different spot when I return to the room. He's still creeping backwards, although he is SO CLOSE to crawling, we expect it any day now. Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised if he started pulling up pretty soon, too. He loves to stand up.....just doesn't know how to GET to the standing position very gracefully yet.

We started daycare last week, and it was an interesting week. Mama is definitely having to learn to let go of some of the "Mama control issues." He's doing well and adjusting to the new routine. I have to say, I APPRECIATE the daycare routine because prior to last week, Jonah was a half-hour napper, like clockwork. But, this past weekend, I lay him down at 11:00 (daycare nap-time), and he put himself to sleep and slept for a solid hour-and-a-half or more! Woohoooo!

He has a double ear infection, now, so the daycare illnesses have started full-force. We went to the dr. on Saturday morning, and he has gained LESS than a POUND in the past month! Hallelujah, the weight gain has FINALLY slowed down a bit :) Up until he was 6-months old, he'd gained an average of 2-1/2 lbs per month, so I was relieved to see that he's ONLY 20 lbs and 3 oz at his 7-month appointment.

Easter pics coming soon :)